måndag 25 maj 2015


Jag var i Lodon  den fjortonde till sjuttonde maj. Jag var på comic-con och köp en pennywise the dancing clown och 6 serietidningar  samt  ett Neil Gaiman album . Jag  var ocoså på IMAX bio och såg Mad Max: Fury Road. Det var en lyxig bio där man fick gratis popcorn och dricka. Jag var också på Forbbiden plant och en jättebra film affär om ni någonsin är i Lodon MÅSTE  ni gå på den. Den hette HOV Home of Entertainment. Jag såg också en musikal som var en religiös komedi. Det var fyra trevliga dagar.  På vägen hem satt jag i första klass. hotellet där   jag bodde var ett av Hilton hotellen.

måndag 4 maj 2015

The Dark Tower Casting idas

When they made Superman The Movie in 1977 they cast one of the times (perhaps of all time) biggest movie star Marlon Brando as Superman fathers.

Jor-El. He got $ 19 million and his presence was used to get other actors on
board (like fella big star Gene Hackman).

The same thing was done with Jack Nicholson in Batman 89.

He filmed his scenes in 12 days. In addition to the he previously written reason there were two other
reasons why they got him.

 The explanatory dialogue sound much better coming out of one of cinemas legends Then it would have from a lesser actor.

People who would not usually see a Superman movie might see it because he was in it So casting Brando as the wise old mentor figure has many 

So casting Brando as the wise old mentor figure hade many advantages. right now Sony is doing a Dark Tower movie based on Stephen King's Epic In The Dark Tower there are tow old mentor figures The old grizzld gunslinger Curt and land's (the main character) father Steve.

I think first and foremost that they should pay whatever they need to get Clint Eastwood out of retirement . Think of it give Eastwood one last hurrah in just the sort of movie that he became known for. Let him pass the torch to the next generation. Let Eastwood be in a modern blockbuster.  And since Roland is based on Eastwood it makes  metaphoric sense.  do not care if he just has 10 or 5 minutes.

Let him just be there as a presence.   Let him say a few words for the trailer.He does not have to have some  action scenes. Just a few words of wisdom and moments of looking .dramatic. and   second Curt must be Jeff Bridges. When I read the book  i  imagine Jeff . He is perfect as a tough old cowboy.  And his voice fits a trailer very good. those who have read the book . imagine Bridges saying  aim with your  mind. EPIC.

Eastwood is one of the all time most respected actors and Bridges has many Oscar nominations and a win. They can use Eastwood and Bridges to get really good actors for the hero and villain They can use Eastwood and Bridges to get really good actors for the hero and the villain.

 Now  back to Nicholson. I think they should have a very quirky and fun actor as The villain (The man in black). Like Gary Oldman, Christopher Walken or Willem Dafoe.  And who have experience of playing larger than life characters .

Last but not least, the gunslinger himself .  Roland. First and foremost you need an Oscar-nominated actor. You need either a actor who can play a tough, hard, cold warrior like Hugh Jackman or Viggo Mortensen or an actor who can play next anything like Sean Penn or Daniel Day-Lewis . You need a talented and experienced actor like Liam Neeson .

Please Sony do not gvie me unknowns and television actors. And I really really really want Clint Eastwood as Steven Deschain and Jeff Bridges as Cort

RIP Marlon Brando, you made them an offer they could not refuse-