lördag 31 augusti 2019
His Dark Materials: Season 1 | San Diego Comic-Con Trailer | HBO
En makalös trailer for en tv serie baserad på en fantastisk bok !
HBOs Watvhmen serie
Watchmen är troligern den mesta hyllade serie roman någonsin. Den var uygiven av DC Cmics i sju nummer mellan 1986 och 1987. I höst kommer en ny serie på HBO löst inspiread av serieroman. Men som utspelar sig ungfär 30 år efter att serien roman slutade.
HBO hoppas att Watchmen show kommer bli deras nästa Game of Thrones och göra för Superhjältar på tv vad Game of Thrones gjord för fantasy.
En ny kick ass trailer har slääoets för serien och jag skulle vilja dela den !
Bakom serien står Damon Lindelof skaparen den hyllade seerien Lost som gick på tv mellan 2004 och 2010.
måndag 26 augusti 2019
Top five movies of 2019 so far
Today would like to tell you all which are the Five best movies I have seen this year.
The order is from 5 to 1 with one being the absolutely best.
5: Men in Black: International
A very funny action Sci fi comedy. Tessa Thompson makes for really great and likable lead and Chris proves he can successfully be at least a god co- lead in a movie where is not playing Thor.
Rebecca Ferguson who seems to be one of the most in demand up and coming actress in Hollywood also is good in her role as a Villain.
Pakistani-American stand-up comedian, and actor Kumail Nanjiani is also really funny as the voice of small Alien Soldier. Emma Thompson
and Liam Neeson are also there to add some prestige to the movie, And both are as always good. Neeson has a smaller but really vital role and Emma Thompson take up the role. as the head of the Men in Black. A position filled by the late Rip Torn in the first two movies
But the two best things in this movie is that 1 Molly the main character is so likeable. It one of the best lead in a big blockbuster i have seen and 2 the humor is very very funny i haven’t laughed this much in a movie theater Since I saw Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation.
The one of the few downsides is that Rafe Spall continued to be a really unengaging actor. Granted I have only seen him in two movies but in both he was really uninteresting. I feel he might end up fading away as an actor in the future and do mostly TV guest roles and Low budget B-movies.
But overall i think this movie succeeded far better at being both a good action movie and a funny comedy than Shazam which was also released this year,
4 Spiderman Far from Home
While not as funny as the previous entry on this list it makes up for it both a good story and two great lead character and scene Stealing supporting role from Jake Gyllenhaal.
Jake Gyllenhaal does a lot of serious dramas so it must be funny to let loose a bit and do a big superhero movie where he can be a bit over the top.
This along with Homecoming are miles better than but that corny Rami movie and the comvulate Mark Webb movies.
The movie also has a good twist.
On the down side Ned isn’t that echanagingv or funny and Martin Starr shows up a lot in the movie trying to be funny and not doing a very good job at it.
Tom Holland centuies finally being a real good live action version Peter Parker/Spiderman.
Zandya plays MJ and you like her so much you almost wish she was your friend in real life she is so likeable. Marsi Tomi is also back playing the MCU’d very different version of Aunt May. And she is very good in the role. Nick Furry appears and Samuel L Jackson proves
again that having him play a comic book character based on him is unsuperisguly a great choice.
Angourie Rice is however very good as Ned’s temporary Girlfriend.
Cobie Smulders also has nice role side role and Tony Revolori is good as a much needed update of Flash Thompson.
Also while the movie like all Marvel movies expect Endgame has post credit scene it also has mid credits scene which Change the seemingly happy ending of the movie to a dramatic cliffhanger and also has a surprise appearance by a well know character playing a beloved Spider Man supporting character.
Overall I think Far From Home is actually the best Spiderman movie made to date !
3 Avengers: Endgame
Marvel Studios delivers the explosive finally to the whole Thanos story and also the story of IronMan and Captain America.
It’s a really good movie. Robert Doweny Jr proves Tony Strak is the role of his life time and Bradley Cooper is also ellexent as Rocket.The movie is quite serious and down beat and actually has Thor straight up killing a main character which admire the movie for letting him do.
The movie is full of callbacks to earlier movies and Mad Men star John Slattery even returns as Tony's dad in a sece. This is such a showcase for Robert Downeyt Jr as an actor. Also this ties in to the previous movie. But i think by completely changing Thanos whole motivation it make easier to understand and just a tad bit less insane.
It gives Thanos that little bit of sanity and reason.You could actually see why he was doing this stuff better. I think it makes Thanos more complex and a tiny bit less Psychotic.
Karen Gillan is a stand out in this movie Nebula gets very much to do and she sells everything. It all builds up to a climax to equal any battle scene in Lord of The Rings. And the movie ends on a bittersweet note. A note that also makes it clear that we won’t get ANY more Iron Man or Captain America movies. It’s a really strong finally.
2 The Favourite
This is a real work of art, A masterful styleish period drama with some erotic overtones. Emma Stone Continues to so that she is one of the best Young actresses working today. I consider Stone one of the best movies stars of today. She is supported by Rachel Weiz who is also very good in this. I haven’t seen her in much else but i hear she a really good actress in. general. She was good in Oz: The Great and Powerful one of the few other movies I have seen her in. The movie is rich with symbolism and elegantly designed. The Two big stars are supported very well by lesser known Britsh actress Olivia Colman mostly known for britsh tv roles as Anne, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.
An interesting bit of trivia was that Colemam won the Academy Award this year for best Leading actress. Even though i would consider Anne a supporting role. I would say Abigail is the lead character. But I can't complain too seeing as both Weiz and Stone rightfully was at least nominated in the supporting actress category,
Two other recognizable Actors in the movie are Nicholas Hoult from the newer X-Men movies and Mark Gatiss from the live action Winne the Pooh movie. But Gatiss part is very tiny.
Also another plus is that The Favourite made a lot more sense and was easier to fellow than Yorgos Lanthimos previous movie The Lobster. A movie in which things just sometimes seemed to happen and most of the characters acted in bizarre ways. Also it didn't help the premise of that movie is so ridiculous it’s hard to take seriously. The Favorite while still being bizzare at some points,
Has a more coherent plot. Also the premise feels more real.
The Lobster hade really serious tone but a completely preposterous premise. This movie is a huge step up !
I really liked the Favourite ! It was an interesting movie about Royal intergi and also delightfully bizarre.
1 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Tarantino is a bit of an enigma. He is critically praised filmmaker with lots of movie awards. Yet he has more than a bit of B Movie sensibilities.
Tarantino has always taken inspiration from the cheap exploitation movies of the 70s. But he elevates the material by his great writing and directing.
In this movie Tarntino takes us back the Hollywood of the late 60s.
The year is 1969 and Rick Dalton is a tv cowboy who used to be Famous. But his star is starting to fade. Although Rick does the acting all of his stunts is done by his friend stunt man Cliff Booth,
The movie fellows Ricks attempts to stay relevant in mist of much younger and fresher stars and Cliff trying to make a living despite being only a stuntman.
Also the movie simotiausly follows real life late actress Sharon Tate wife of the notorious Polish director Roman Polanski in he every daily life as somewhat famous actress in hollywood.
The movie stars Lenrado Carprio who seems to be one of those hollywood actors along with Tom Cruise and Daniell day Lewis seems to be really careful when picking movies.
Side note.
(Day is in fact too picky in opinion as he has only made like five in the span of 19 years and all seems to be in super serious dark and often depersing dramas.)
Anyway, ever since his breakout role in Titanic Dicaprio has picked really good role almost always gets the lead the only exception I can think is Django Unchained. Dtcarpo always gets beaty rolees with many good lines and physical stuff to do. Here he plays a typical tv cowboy of the era in the moodle of some one like Dennis Weaver. He he is equally good at being dramatic and really funny and his handsome looks fits for some who plays a western heroes on the screen.. Brad Pitt proves that he still is a very good and also vartial actor and this role might finally ran him an Oscar in the acting category. He is likeable everyman and Cliff is also quite witty brad Putt geys some great one liners. The third star of the movie is Marget Robbie in my opinion. The latest really great female movie star discovered by Hollywood ever since her breakout in The Wolf of Wall Street also with Dicaprio she has proven herself to somewhat like a modern Michelle Piffer or if your gernrius even Nicole Kidman. A great leading able to play different pairs with both personality and talent. I can’t såeak to how aaueate she is to the real life Sharon Tate. But taken by itself it’s a great performance that might earn a best supporting actress nomination at next year's Academy Awards. Movie legend Al Pacino also has big role as Daltons agent this one of those movies that knows how to use Pacino as he gets a lot of really good lines.
Rounding out the cast is former big child star and still pretty big adult star Dakota fanning,Timothy Olyphant a modern day actor closely associated with cowboy roles himself and Danielle Harris a noted scream qune. A slang term used for female actress mostly known for horror movies .
Also in the cast is the daughter of Kevin Smith probably the most overrated director working today whom he inexplicably named after a character from the 90s Batman animated show.
Also in a bit of nice casting Bruce Dern and Brenda Vaccaro who both were actually making movies at the time this movie is set has two small roles. Although Dern only has one scene and I can't even remember what Vaccaro's character did in the movie i had to look at the cast list to remember she was in it. It’s still a nice casting nod. As an extra bonus for movie buffs 70s and 80s leading man Kurt Russell narrates the movie.
Also this might be a breakout role for the until now mostly unknown actress Lorenza Izzo. She plays a very memorable character said to be inspired by four different real life actress at the time, Pink Panther star Claudia Cardinale, International movie star and legend her own right Sphie Loren, much leader know actress Monica Vitti and feature Ceaser award winner Virna Lisi who i like vitti never heard of before. This will probably lead to many more roles for Izzo.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is the rare movie that perfectly balances comedy and drama. Much of the dramA comss form from the infemus Manson Family. An evil psychopathic cult that lived near Hollywood at the time this movie is set. It can both be really dramatic and really funny and it leads up to one hell of climax that i guess someone who knows what really happened at that date, time and place will enjoy even more. But still found really Enetating
The movie filed with small period details that shows the attention Tarntino cearly hade for the movie period accuracy. There's posters. Advertisements and commercials for movies and other products of the time and some bits of tv or movie from time some made up as homage and some actual archival footage.
It also uses a lot of songs from the 60s.. But since i was born over 20 years after this movie i set. So i only regoiciazaed one.. Mrs. Robinson by Simiom and Grefunkel which indead a really good song.
Overall Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Is by far the best movie of the year a truly great film especially for movie buffs and it works equally well as a drama and as a comedy. Dacarpio outdoes himself yet again. Brad Pitt continues to be a really good actor and Marget Robbie once again proves she’s a born movie star !
So that’s the Five best movie i have seen so far this year.
Some minor notes.
Since mentioned Shazam previously in this post i would like to say while i thought it was a good movie. It was hindered somewhat by trying to be a family. So that didn't make my top ten. Which is ironic since four of the other five movies in my top ten movies of the year are animated family movies.
I would also like to say what the worst movie I have seen this year was
Wonder Park. It was bland forgettable. Hade some ugly character designs and you could predict most of the plot. Also for being a comedy it was really unfunny.
Just because your movie an animated kids doesn't mean it can’t have good jokes.
Shrek and Shrek is two of my all time favorite comedies and i actually found The AngryBirds movie 2 to be healrius so to end on a positive note.
I recommend that in addition too seeing the five movies on my list you also should watch Angry Birds movie 2 !
söndag 25 augusti 2019
Film Nyheter den tjugofemte augusti 2019
Jag har lite nyheter om film idag.
Dessa nyheter kommer från Disney mässan som är vartannat år .
Engelska skådespelerska Gemma Chan ska spela Sersi i den nya Marvel filmen The Eternals-
Sersi är en Eternal som leve under en tid frontida Mesopotamien och sedan där honn mötte författaren Homeros. Hon fångade också demonerna i Pandoras ask under namnet Circe..
Gemma Chan är känd för sin roll i serien Humans som gick från 2015 till 2018 och roller i filmer som Mary Queen of Scots(2018) och Transformers: The Last Knight.
Barry Keoghan från Chrispher Nolans Dunkirk har också fått en roll i filmen som
Druig en Eternal som tjänade som en agent för KGB i Ryssland
Disneys nästa animerad film efter Frost 2 blir Raya and the Last Dragon. En film om en ensam kevlig krigare som går på en strävan efter att hitta den sista draken och föra ljus och enhet tillbaka till sin värld.
Filmen kommer att vara starkt inspirerad av sydostasiatiska myter.
Cassie Steele kommer göra rösten til huvudrollen och och skådespelerskan och rapparen Awkwafina kommer göra rösten till Sisu den sista draken själv.
Sist men inte minst har Game of Thrones stjärnan Kit Harington fått rollen som Black knight i The Eternals.
Harington hade också en roll filmen Silent Hill: Revelation från år 2012.
lördag 24 augusti 2019
Best Tmovie trailers of the year
In this post i am oing to showcaste three best movie trailers od 2019. At least according to me.
I LOVE these trailers !
1 Joker
2 Cats
and 3 Lady and The Tramp
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