lördag 28 maj 2011

Dragons are a type of pet available in The Sims: Makin' Magic. Dragon eggs cost 49 MagiCoins, and are available from Vicki Vampiress in Magic Town, where dragon treats and toys can also be bought.

Upon purchasing a dragon egg, Sims need to interact with it. The color dragon that will hatch depends on how many times they interact with the egg.
  • 0 to 6 interactions: Red dragon
  • 7 to 13 interactions: Gold dragon
  • 14+ interactions: Purple dragon
The nest should be kept after the dragon hatches, as the dragon will use it as a bed.
A Gold Dragon.
Noble faufAdded by Noble fauf
  • Red dragons are very likely to set large objects on fire. Generally they start burning things as soon as they hatch. The dragon's name is Burnie.
  • Gold dragons are a bit more disciplined, but won't shy away from torching surrounding objects if it is neglected. The dragon's name is Pyritie.
  • Purple dragons are very friendly and hardly ever set things on fire. However, even purple dragons are very difficult creatures to maintain and can still cause fires especially if the dragon is neglected. The dragon's name is Torch.

Sims should interact with their dragon frequently and restock on supplies from Magic Town when their dragon's treats and toys have gone. Besides torching various items around a lot, dragons can torch visiting Sims as well, resulting in the death of the victim. Dragons eat flowers around the lot, especially yellow daffodils. They may also eat spoiled food and trash piles. Toads are a special Dragon delicacy, so when Sims have a Dragon, they should be ex