tisdag 1 april 2014

Warner Bros announces Justice League movie and Aquaman casting revealed.

Late last night announced Warner Bros. that they would make a   Justice League movie
and that Leonardo DiCaprio would play Aquaman.  This was later confirmed by DiCaprio.
The film will be directed by Zack Snyder and will be released June 19, 2017.Warner Bros President  Kevin Tsujihara said 
  we are very excited about bringing these characters to the big screen who fans always wanted to see.
The plot reportedly cerns the evil god Darkseid coming to earth and looking for the Anti-Life Equation. To protect the earth Amanda Waller puts together a team of superheroes.The script will be written by David Hayter and Paul Dini. The heroes that have been announced on the team is Superman , Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern , Aquaman and Lobo has been announced as a side villain.The Rock is in talks to play Darkseid .and Jackie Earle Haley and Jeffrey Dean Morgan for two unknown roles  probably Green Arrow, and older Flash. Rumor has it that oscars nominated Queen Latifah and Johnny Depp could play Martian Manhunter and Amanda Waller., However, this may be just a rumor. Filming will start summer 2015.

Update. This was an April Fools joke.