lördag 24 september 2011

Locus Awards of FANTASY NOVEL 2001

  1. A Storm of Swords, George R. R. Martin (HarperCollins Voyager; Bantam Spectra)
  2. Declare, Tim Powers (Subterranean Press; Morrow 2001)
  3. The Amber Spyglass, Philip Pullman (Knopf)
  4. Perdido Street Station, China Miéville (Macmillan; Ballantine Del Rey 2001)
  5. Ash: A Secret History, Mary Gentle (Gollancz; Eos)
  6. Galveston, Sean Stewart (Ace)
  7. Lord of Emperors, Guy Gavriel Kay (Viking Canada; HarperPrism)
  8. Forests of the Heart, Charles de Lint (Tor)
  9. The Truth, Terry Pratchett (Transworld; HarperCollins)
  10. Fortress of Dragons, C. J. Cherryh (Eos)
  11. The Tower at Stony Wood, Patricia A. McKillip (Ace)
  12. Daemonomania, John Crowley (Bantam)
  13. A Kiss of Shadows, Laurell K. Hamilton (Ballantine)
  14. Winter's Heart, Robert Jordan (Tor)
  15. White as Snow, Tanith Lee (Tor)
  16. Prophecy, Elizabeth Haydon (Tor)
  17. Ship of Destiny, Robin Hobb (HarperCollins Voyager; Bantam Spectra)
  18. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J. K. Rowling (Bloomsbury; Scholastic)
  19. *Canyons, P. D. Cacek (Tor)
  20. *King Kelson's Bride, Katherine Kurtz (Ace)
  21. Empire of Unreason, J. Gregory Keyes (Ballantine Del Rey)
  22. *Spindle's End, Robin McKinley (Putnam)
  23. *Year of the Griffin, Diana Wynne Jones (Greenwillow)
  24. Knight of the Demon Queen, Barbara Hambly (Ballantine Del Rey)
  25. The Gate of Fire, Thomas Harlan (Tor)
  26. The Grand Ellipse, Paula Volsky (Bantam Spectra)