lördag 24 september 2011

Locus Awards of FANTASY NOVEL 1981

  1. Lord Valentine's Castle, Robert Silverberg (Harper & Row)
  2. The Shadow of the Torturer, Gene Wolfe (Simon & Schuster)
  3. The Wounded Land, Stephen R. Donaldson (Ballantine Del Rey)
  4. Changeling, Roger Zelazny (Ace)
  5. The Northern Girl, Elizabeth A. Lynn (Berkley Putnam)
  6. Split Infinity, Piers Anthony (Ballantine Del Rey)
  7. The Beginning Place, Ursula K. Le Guin (Harper & Row)
  8. The Vampire Tapestry, Suzy McKee Charnas (Simon & Schuster)
  9. Shadowland, Peter Straub (Coward, McCann & Geoghegan)
  10. "The Mist", Stephen King (Dark Forces)
  11. Ariosto, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (Pocket)
  12. Kill the Dead, Tanith Lee (DAW)
  13. Thorn, Fred Saberhagen (Ace)
  14. Sabella, Tanith Lee (DAW)
  15. After Dark, Manly Wade Wellman (Doubleday)
  16. A Storm of Wings, M. John Harrison (Doubleday)
  17. The Orphan, Robert Stallman (Pocket)
  18. Duncton Wood, William Horwood (McGraw-Hill)
  19. All Darkness Met, Glen Cook (Berkley)
  20. *Firelord, Parke Godwin (Doubleday)
  21. *Necropolis, Basil Copper (Arkham House)
  22. Master of the Five Magics, Lyndon Hardy (Ballantine Del Rey)