onsdag 27 april 2011
måndag 25 april 2011
Uttolkningen och omtolkningarna av den grekiska mytologin är betydligt äldre än mytologin i dess idag vanliga form. Redan grekerna själva fann dessa myter anstötliga och för disparata för att kunna tas på allvar. Deras försök att systematisera myterna gjorde att de relativiserades redan under antiken - de tolkades som allegorier för naturfenomen och äldre historiska skeenden. Till exempel eftersträvade Platon en abstrahering av tron, och enligt honom var berättelsen om Orfeus ett uttryck för själens odödlighet, och Aristoteles uppfattade berättelserna om kentaurerna som en omskrivning av de beridna jägare i Thessalien som befriade landskapet från vilda tjurar.
Därefter har kristna uttolkare betraktat berättelserna som hedniska förvrängningar av den kristna läran. Med nyplatonismen som teoretiskt ramverk har antikens mytologi och dess gestalter kunnat ses som allegorier för det kristna budskapet och som sådana kunnat tjäna sedelärande syften. Den grekiska mytologin utgjorde en självklar kulturell referensram i den kristna världen fram till den så kallade "mörka tiden" då det klassiska bildningsidealet föll i glömska.
Myternas ursprung var redan på Hesiodos tid förlorat i ett dunkelt förflutet. Dess mångfacetterade värld och gestalterna i den kan sägas återspegla dels det faktum att den grekiska religionen saknade sådant som heliga skrifter (i modern mening) och trosartiklar, men också graden av litterär bearbetning och ett inhomogent geografiskt område som gränsade till många andra kulturer. Det finns en risk att samlade framställningar av den grekiska mytologin kommer att inkludera många berättelser och versioner som utformats av berömda författare i klassisk tid (5-400-t. f.Kr.) eller senare, men som aldrig egentligen fanns som myter i religiös mening. Berättelsen om Antigone och hennes trotsande av övermakten byggde t ex på antydningar i de gamla sagorna men den tillspetsade utforminingen i Sofokles drama är rimligen skapad av Sofokles själv.
Den grekiska religionen saknade förkunnare och profeter, istället var det diktarna och oraklen som återgav detaljerna i den mytologiska världen och deras konsekvenser för människorna. Det är alltså förmodligen inte så att den grekiska mytologin entydigt återspeglar ett religiöst system som existerat vid någon specifik tidpunkt. Eftersom våra kunskaper om grekisk kult är ofullständiga, i synnerhet för äldre tid, är det också osäkert i vilken mån myterna någonsin har varit nära knutna till kulten och förklarat särskilda kultiska bruk.
Den grekiska religionen saknade förkunnare och profeter, istället var det diktarna och oraklen som återgav detaljerna i den mytologiska världen och deras konsekvenser för människorna. Det är alltså förmodligen inte så att den grekiska mytologin entydigt återspeglar ett religiöst system som existerat vid någon specifik tidpunkt. Eftersom våra kunskaper om grekisk kult är ofullständiga, i synnerhet för äldre tid, är det också osäkert i vilken mån myterna någonsin har varit nära knutna till kulten och förklarat särskilda kultiska bruk.
One of the Discworld's most implacable gods, and very difficult to understand. He looks like a pleasant, middle-aged man, but his eyes are starry voids. It is possible (although difficult) to bargain with him, but proverbially impossible to cheat him, although this has been done at least once. (When Cohen the Barbarian rolled a 7 on a six-sided die by cleaving it in half in midair.) He is known to play games against The Lady using mortals as pawns, and always plays to win. His Temple is situated in the Gods' Quarter of Ankh-Morpork. It's a small, heavy, leaden temple, where hollow-eyed and gaunt worshippers meet on dark nights for predestined and fairly pointless rites. He is said to come from a world other than the Disc.
He appears in The Colour of Magic, Mort, Interesting Times and The Last Hero.
He appears in The Colour of Magic, Mort, Interesting Times and The Last Hero.
The Order first appears in Small Gods where they are described as having the responsibility of observing significant events so that they become 'history', instead of just things that happen. However, there is a slight reference to the Order in "Guards! Guards!", where at the end of the novel there are many bright orange robed men loading barrels and one specifically mentions the name Lobsang. They also have responsibility to see history follows the right track, as set out in the huge lead-bound History Books – 20,000 of them, ten feet high, with printing small enough to need a magnifying glass to read. "When people say it is written – it is written here." According to Small Gods, three people go at a time to access the books because once in the past one person used to go in alone, learn about the future, and won a large sum in bets before he was found out.
In Thief of Time we find that this is a simplification, and the main role of the monastery is to ensure anything happens at all. To do this, they have a number of methods for moving and storing time, for example by means of spinning cylinders called procrastinators (possibly an analogy with capacitors, a reservoir of electric charge). Procrastinators look like Tibetan prayer wheels, and are evocative of the Tipler Cylinder theory. (It having been established as early as Mort,
Guards! Guards!,
Moving Pictures,
Reaper Man,
Men At Arms,
Soul Music,
Interesting Times,
Feet of Clay,
The Fifth Elephant,
The Truth,
The Last Hero,
Night Watch,
Going Postal,
Guards! Guards!,
Moving Pictures,
Reaper Man,
Men At Arms,
Soul Music,
Interesting Times,
Feet of Clay,
The Fifth Elephant,
The Truth,
The Last Hero,
Night Watch,
Going Postal,
Thud!,s that people's perception of time affects its flow on the Disc, the Monks must ensure this does not become a problem, by, as an example, taking some time from the middle of the ocean ('how much time does a codfish need?') and putting it in a busy Ankh-Morpork workshop with a deadline to meet.)
They also frequently need to enter the world, to take a more direct hand in events. It is for this reason that a number of monks have been trained as ninjas. Many of them have since been retrained by Lu-Tze, who believes most problems can be sorted out without resorting to martial arts.
Because of the Order's control of Time, the valley is permanently reliving a perfect day, with the cherry blossom beginning to fall (which is too bad if you actually want cherries.) Fortunately for Lu-Tze, at the end of Thief of Time, Lobsang Ludd, the new personification of Time, makes a slight adjustment to some of the valley's trees so as to give his tutor his own "perfect moment".
[edit] Mem
In Thief of Time we find that this is a simplification, and the main role of the monastery is to ensure anything happens at all. To do this, they have a number of methods for moving and storing time, for example by means of spinning cylinders called procrastinators (possibly an analogy with capacitors, a reservoir of electric charge). Procrastinators look like Tibetan prayer wheels, and are evocative of the Tipler Cylinder theory. (It having been established as early as Mort,
Guards! Guards!,
Moving Pictures,
Reaper Man,
Men At Arms,
Soul Music,
Interesting Times,
Feet of Clay,
The Fifth Elephant,
The Truth,
The Last Hero,
Night Watch,
Going Postal,
Guards! Guards!,
Moving Pictures,
Reaper Man,
Men At Arms,
Soul Music,
Interesting Times,
Feet of Clay,
The Fifth Elephant,
The Truth,
The Last Hero,
Night Watch,
Going Postal,
Thud!,s that people's perception of time affects its flow on the Disc, the Monks must ensure this does not become a problem, by, as an example, taking some time from the middle of the ocean ('how much time does a codfish need?') and putting it in a busy Ankh-Morpork workshop with a deadline to meet.)
They also frequently need to enter the world, to take a more direct hand in events. It is for this reason that a number of monks have been trained as ninjas. Many of them have since been retrained by Lu-Tze, who believes most problems can be sorted out without resorting to martial arts.
Because of the Order's control of Time, the valley is permanently reliving a perfect day, with the cherry blossom beginning to fall (which is too bad if you actually want cherries.) Fortunately for Lu-Tze, at the end of Thief of Time, Lobsang Ludd, the new personification of Time, makes a slight adjustment to some of the valley's trees so as to give his tutor his own "perfect moment".
[edit] Mem
Skivvärlden volym 1
Agnes Nitt, alias Perdita. En ung kvinna som först skymtas i Herrskap och Häxor. I Masker söker hon lyckan vid Operan och är en av huvudkaraktärerna. Senare efterträder hon Viväcka Vitlöök i Lankers trio av häxor.
Albert, eller Alberto Malich. En gång känd som Skivans störste trollkarl och grundare av Osynliga Universitetet, numera Dödens betjänt. Albert finns med i många böcker, men ägnas kanske mest uppmärksamhet i Mort.
Angua, eller Delphine Angua von Überwald är varulv, kvinna och medlem i Ankh-Morporks stadsvakt. Hon dyker först upp i En man på sin vakt, där hon efter hand utvecklar ett vänskapligt, men något komplicerat förhållande med Morot.
Bagaget, en koffert med hundratals små ben tillverkat av intelligent päronträ. Tillhörde först Tvåblomster i Magins färg som sedermera gav bort det till Rensvind. Bagaget är ganska vresigt och våldsamt, men har en fantastisk förmåga att följa sin ägare oavsett tid och rum och det är med i flera böcker.
Bibliotekarien, orangutang och överbibliotekarie på Osynliga Universitetets bibliotek. Bibliotekarien var ursprungligen en människa, men råkade ut för en magisk olycka i Magins färg och har sedan dess motsatt sig alla välmenade försök att förvandla honom tillbaka, eftersom han fann sin nya skepnad rätt fördelaktig och trivs med att få sin lön i bananer.
Binky, en stolt vit springare, Dödens trogna häst, och därför avsevärt mycket intelligentare än andra hästar. Förekommer tillsammans med sin herre i flera böcker och i några, bland annat i Levande Musik, även tillsammans med Susan
Albert, eller Alberto Malich. En gång känd som Skivans störste trollkarl och grundare av Osynliga Universitetet, numera Dödens betjänt. Albert finns med i många böcker, men ägnas kanske mest uppmärksamhet i Mort.
Angua, eller Delphine Angua von Überwald är varulv, kvinna och medlem i Ankh-Morporks stadsvakt. Hon dyker först upp i En man på sin vakt, där hon efter hand utvecklar ett vänskapligt, men något komplicerat förhållande med Morot.
Bagaget, en koffert med hundratals små ben tillverkat av intelligent päronträ. Tillhörde först Tvåblomster i Magins färg som sedermera gav bort det till Rensvind. Bagaget är ganska vresigt och våldsamt, men har en fantastisk förmåga att följa sin ägare oavsett tid och rum och det är med i flera böcker.
Bibliotekarien, orangutang och överbibliotekarie på Osynliga Universitetets bibliotek. Bibliotekarien var ursprungligen en människa, men råkade ut för en magisk olycka i Magins färg och har sedan dess motsatt sig alla välmenade försök att förvandla honom tillbaka, eftersom han fann sin nya skepnad rätt fördelaktig och trivs med att få sin lön i bananer.
Binky, en stolt vit springare, Dödens trogna häst, och därför avsevärt mycket intelligentare än andra hästar. Förekommer tillsammans med sin herre i flera böcker och i några, bland annat i Levande Musik, även tillsammans med Susan
MortHavelock Vetinar
the Domain can only deal with the size of the rooms by ignoring them, and staying on small patches of carpet surrounded by immensity. Although maintains the black-on-black, skull-and-scythe motif it is, like its outside, very ordinary and average in its design. Some assume that Death's house mainny, with muscles like knots in string. Dr Cruces and theories about the origins of inequality, and, in some cases, about the social construction in a variety of disciplines. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's rights—such as in contract, property, and voting—while
bodily integrity and autonomy and reproductive rights. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault
advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and to start businesses.
The movements and theoretical developments were historically led predominantly by middle-class white women from Western Europe and North then,
He has a shock of bright red hair, and walks as if he is made entirely of knees.
Mort starts off at the bottom, learning to accept his position while mucking out the stables, and trying to ignore Ysabell, Death's adopted daughter. in need of a break, Mort takes over The Duty. Unfortunately for Mort, his feelings for a teenage princess of Sto Lat get in the way of his job and reaction of events by impulsively preventing her assassination. Reluctant to tell his master about his gaffe, Mort tries various unsuccessful methods situation. After fighting and losing to Death, Mort is given an extra lease on life when the Grim Reaper chooses to turn over his Lifetimer. This the world of the living.
After the events of Mort, Mort leaves Death's service and marries Ysabell. The couple are given the title of Duke and Duchess of Sto Helit, and parents of Susan Sto Helit. They subsequently meet their end after a freak accident sends their carriage plunging into a ravine, as revealed in
discussed this with Death and had turned down his offer to extend the duration of their existence on the grounds that it wouldn't be the same as their lives.
In The Light Fantastic, Rincewind overhears Twoflower teaching the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, (Death, Famine, Pestilence
one point, War refers to Death as "Mort" but we later learn that the only people in the room (other than Twoflower) were Death, Famine, Pestilence name might be a pos
usoleum or a crypt, but in fact Death knows little of cemeteries, as very few people actually die in them.
Any clocks brought into Death's Domain get depressed and stop working. The only working clock is the special grandfather clock
pendulum. The 'minute' hand takes thousands of years to go around. The 'hour' hand will only go around once.
As well as the 'ordinary' rooms, maintained for appearance and the benefit of Albert, the Domain contains the life-timer room, where the sands drain away. Off of the life-timer room, there is another room in which the life-timers of the gods rest (as seen in Hogfather). And there is the Library, everyone's "autobiography" is being written by itself. Both of these rooms are even more conceptual and arbitrary in dimension than the rest of clearest example of its status as a refined metaphor. Afterwards, Teatime tracks Susan to the Gaiters' nursery, but is killed by Susan using the nursery poker, which passes through Death because "it only kills monsters".
The Colour of Magic. Many Hogswatch
of the City Watch, it is all he has ever known and he now brings the dirty tricks he learned as a street copper to his new makes sure to pass these tricks of the trade on to new recruits. Under Sam Vimes, the Watch has become a real force in the force, and its Commander, have become targets for those they annoy. Unfortunately for Vimes, this is practically everybody. timeAnkh-Morpork isThe Ankh-Morpork h-Morpork is also the city with most dwarfs on the whole disc outside of e "
Morporks the first-published book of The The River Ankh Witch magic is very different from the wizard magic
University, and consists largely of finding the right lever that makes everything else work. Witches rarely do any magic, more on common sense, hard work, and a peculiar brand of psychology known as headology. This can be taken very far
magically setting fire to a log of wood consists of staring at the log until it burns up from pure embarrassment. As a result intensive, which means that a witch can do more than a technically equally powerful wizard. However, t That same day,
rescue Trumpkin the dwarf from soldiers who have brought him tohe same zen-like knowledge thatRincewi Once that has been done, the rats emerge, offering to tell the humans where to find the stolen food and money, in return for living peacefully with them. Maurice of course negotiates on their behalf with the humans. Keith stays on as the town's piper, and the town becomes a tourist attraction & everybody remarks on how 'clean' the place is.
MovingEqual Rites Pictures
Movin Equal Rites Pictures .Ödet, en av Skivvärldens gudar, eller kanske antropomorfisk pers have havekamin
bone white. On the Discworld, and congruent dimensions, splitting darkness with an eight-sided prism produces different colours of black. He has with skull-shaped patterns on their tails, bees, plants and trout. They are all 'alive', as far as they can be in a place where time does not pass.
Everything in his garden is a copy of something he has seen elsewhere, since Death cannot create. Things that stand out are a swing that he built his own hands, for Susan (with some distinct flaws in its design to allow it to actually 'swing'), the cats, which come and go into the Domain as in colour (Death likes cats), and the wheat field created at the end of Reaper Man, which is golden, and ripples in the wind (despite the fact that There are also distant mountains, and stars, neither of of do-it-yourself religion, relying heavily on the power of belief described belo
voodoo-women can deliberately create moderately powerful gods for a specific purpose.[2]
Generally speaking, witches are women and wizards are men. Despite the opinions of wizards and witches on this subject (that systemization comes intuition comes easier to women), there appears to be no reason for this beyond cultural bias. There has only ever been one female wizar
continent, as described in the events of Equal Rites. The island of Krull on the very Rim of the Disc does not mind female wizards
would ever admit they exist.
The role of witches has been defined as "smoothing out life's humps and bumps" and "helping people when life's on the edge", and they take this They also never ask for anything in return. There are ways and ways of not asking for anything in return, of course. Nanny Ogg,
job is to take the first pint of every brewing and the first cake of every baking, to prevent occult forces using them against people.
tend to emphasize at every possible opportunity that it is considered lucky to have a witch in your house, and that it would be especially lucky if provided for. known as the Grim Squeaker, is not, strictly speaking, a personification in his own right but rather an aspect of Death allowed an independent His purpose is to usher on the souls of dead rodents, as well as assisting Death in other ways. His jurisdiction also seems to cover certain kinds such as Mr. Clete in Soul Music, Mr. Pin in The Truth, and Mr. Pounder in Maskerade.
He was one of a disparate multitude of death-personifications created d Sometime later, despite the peace they had desperately fought for, conflict Polly sneaks away from her profitable tavern and finds herself in the role of commander of boy-impersonating females who are marching off to onlighet
Faust EricsDeath
, Hollywood is a neighbourhood in Los Angeles, California - situated west-northwest of Downtown Los Angeles
identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used as a metonym of American cinema
interchangeably used to refer to the greater Los Angeles area in general. The nicknames StarStruck Town and Tinseltown refer to Hollywood and Today, much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as the Westside neighborhood,[4] but significant auxiliary industries, effects, props, post-production, and mouse who carries a rapier, and wears a red plume tucked in his golden circlet. He is an experienced warrior, faultlessly courteous, particularly to noble ladies. He is also pugnacious and quick to defend any affront to his honor. of Father Christmas
red, fur-lined cloak, and rides a sleigh pulled by four wild boars (or, in modern portrayals, cute pink piggies), Gouger, Rooter, Tusker and Snouter. gave households pork products, and naughty children a bag of bloody bones. Earlier than that, he was a winter god of the deathversion
is a jolly toymaker, with vestiges of the earlier myths the church to be more open-minded and humanist. Om also agrees to forsake smiting for at least a hundred years. The last moments of the book see Brutha's death a hundred years to the day after Om's return to power and his journey desert towards judgement, accompanied by the spirit of Vorbis, who Brutha found still in the desert and took pity on. It is also revealed that this originally meant to be a century of war and bloodshed which the History Monk Lu-Tze changed to something he liked better.
identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used as a metonym of American cinema
interchangeably used to refer to the greater Los Angeles area in general. The nicknames StarStruck Town and Tinseltown refer to Hollywood and Today, much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as the Westside neighborhood,[4] but significant auxiliary industries, effects, props, post-production, and mouse who carries a rapier, and wears a red plume tucked in his golden circlet. He is an experienced warrior, faultlessly courteous, particularly to noble ladies. He is also pugnacious and quick to defend any affront to his honor. of Father Christmas
red, fur-lined cloak, and rides a sleigh pulled by four wild boars (or, in modern portrayals, cute pink piggies), Gouger, Rooter, Tusker and Snouter. gave households pork products, and naughty children a bag of bloody bones. Earlier than that, he was a winter god of the deathversion
is a jolly toymaker, with vestiges of the earlier myths the church to be more open-minded and humanist. Om also agrees to forsake smiting for at least a hundred years. The last moments of the book see Brutha's death a hundred years to the day after Om's return to power and his journey desert towards judgement, accompanied by the spirit of Vorbis, who Brutha found still in the desert and took pity on. It is also revealed that this originally meant to be a century of war and bloodshed which the History Monk Lu-Tze changed to something he liked better.
theNarnia book 5
Pratchett has stated on numerous occasions that the presence of the City Watch makes Ankh-Morpork stories 'problematic', as stories set in the city that do not directly involve Vimes and the Watch often require a Watch presence to maintain the story—at which point, it becomes a Watch story by default.
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