måndag 23 december 2019

Star Wars:The Ride of The Skywalker review

I saw yesterday Star Wars:The Ride of The Skywalker and overall it was good.

Daisy Ridley is still great and I continue to LOVE the character of Rey.

It’s fun to see Ian McDiarmid play Palpatine One last time and Richard E. Grant makes for a great substitute for the late Peter Cushing.

Grant clearly play basically Grand Moff Tarkin but with a different name.

Adam Driver is survicrable but is very much overShadowed by how clearly Oscar Issac who plays is a much better actor than him.

Keri Russell is great. But She gets so lite to do She feels kind of wated in the movie.

Don’t know why Lando Calrissian needes to be in the movie feels like they just got Billy Dee Williams beacuse Han Solo and Like Skywalker are Both dead. Altough That doesn't stop Both from a having a major secen each in the movie and Carrie Fisher is dead for real so they can’t use Leila as much as the proabbly wanted too.

I still feels strange to have Lupita Nyong'o voice( and also Motion Capture) a role that sounds nothing like her abd kind feels like the Black serotype of mysterious old ( I heavily apologize for this word) nigro lady.

But most Actors are good. With cearly stand outs Being Daisy Ridley Oscar Isaac and Ian McDiarmid.

Also, I still feel like the role of Kylo Ren was written for Ezra Miller but he Said no for some reason and they cast Adam Driver Instead.

Also there is a rather big problem with Plot Which that Spoiler Alert
The Emperor seems to Random Changes his plan throughout the movie he wants to kill Rey than i want to transfer his essence into her body and finally decide to just absorb the Powers of Rey and Kylo. It kind of feels like the Emperor is making the plan up as he goes Along Which very ironic since Palpatine also say in the movie itself he has PLANNED EVERYTHING all the way back fromThe Phantom Menace. That’s certainly a really long term amd elborotate plan. Strange that After planning every for like what must close to 80s he decide To make the end up in spot and change his goal whenever he feels like End of Spoilers.

But overall I liked the movie and recommend it !

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker gets the rating 8 out of 10 from me.

söndag 15 december 2019

Rösterna i Pelle Svanslös(2020)

Så rösterna till huvudrollerna i den nya animerad filmen baserad på Gösta Kontsons klassiska barn böcker från 20 och 30-talet om katten Pelle Svanslös har avslöjats.

I huvudrollen. vilket redligen borde vara Pelle eftersom hans namn är filmens titel är Adam Pålsson stjärnan av den kritikerrosade biografi filmen Ted – För kärlekens skull.

I överiga roller har vi , Christopher Wagelin från hit filmen Snabba Cash, Li Schmalenbach en tysk skådespelerska okänd i Sverige som gör samma roll som i den tyskspråkiga versionen av filmen, Sven Björklund från julkalndern Hotell Gyllene Knorren , Skådespelaren, Regissören, Dramatikern och författaren Olof Wretling en medlem av humorgruppen Klungan och Lena-Pia Bernhardsson ! som inte bra har tonvis med filmer på sitt CV(Bland dom alla tre tidtagare Pelle filmer) utan som också på senare år varit högst framträdande på Stockholms stadsteater. Hon har har  haft roller filmer som Vingar av glas(2000) och den gamla svenska komedin Sällskapsresan med Lasse Åberg och i serier som Hammltion med Peter Stormare och En nämndemans död med Krister Henriksson. Just nu är hon aktiv i den berömda musikalen Spelman på Taket i den ikoniska  rollen av Yente Äteskomälerskan. En uppsättning jag själv sett på Dansens Hus med Dan Ekborg och Bernhardsson i två av rollern.

Filmer har bio primär den 17.e januari 2020.

lördag 14 december 2019

Fan Casting Denis Villeneuve's upcoming two-part move adaptation of Dune by Frank Herbert

Since a new movie adaptation in two parts of the groundbreaking science fiction novel Dune is coming( with Part 1 coming out next year) and some roles aren't cast yet i took the liberty of fan casting those roles myself.

Anthony Hopkins as the Shaddam IV, the Padishah Emperor.

 The sumpre ruler of the whole of the Known Universe (the Imperium).


 Leonardo DiCaprio as Feyd-Rautha. The nephew and heir-presumptive of the Baron Harkonnen.


Jason Isaacs as Count Hasimir Fenring.
A genetic eunuch and the Emperor's closest friend and advisor.

Gary Oldman as Thufir HawatHe is the Master of Assassins to House Atreides in the book and a very close advisor to Duke Leto,

Samuel L. Jackson as Liet-Kynes.
Kynes is the Imperial Planetologist on the planet Arrakis( also known as Dune)

Saoirse Ronan as Princess IrulanIrulan is Shaddam's eldest daughter and heir.

Vanessa Redgrave as the Shadout Mapes.

The head housekeeper of imperial residence on the planet Arrakis also knowen as Dune.

Julianne Moore as Lady Margot Fenring.

The Bene Gesserit (an order of future sort of nuns with genetic memory an other psychic powers) Wife of Count Fenring,

fredag 13 december 2019

Top 10 wrost movies of all time

I have seen many many movies in my 22 year old life. But now i have managed to compile a list of the 10 absolute worst ones the most bad pieces of garbage cinemas have seen ever !

1 Teen Wolf Too
A sequel to an already largely forgotten and not very well reviewed Micheal J Fox vehicle. This has no funny jokes stars Jason Betman in his frist Movie clearly way before he developed any talent and also Manages to make the usually reliable veteran actor John Austin (star of The Addams Family also known for a role in the Classic 80s Comedy National Lampoon's Vacation and Gust role as the Riddler on the Adam West Batman show) boring and unfunny.

2 Loranga, Masarin & Dartanjang
An ugly animated movie with a plot that doesn't make any kind of Sense at all and starting the voice of Most overrated actor in Sweden Gösta Ekman who somewhat become beloved by the Swedish Despite not Being very talented. This movie waste Dan Ekborg One of the funniest Swedish Actors ever in a movie which makes zero coronet Sense and makes 52 minutes feel like 4 Hours !

3 Lassie (2005)
A Remake of a supposedly beloved blavk and White tv show or movie or whatever. Despite being the third worst movie i have ever seen, It for some unexpliaiable rason stars Peter Fucking O'Toole ? ! Also in the cast are Steve Pemberton and Kelly Macdonald two actor uk Actors clearly too good for this movie. The 2005 Lassie movie is full of long boring shots of landscapes and a dog running doesn't that sound exciting❓ 😒It also stars a pre-Game of Thrones Peter Dinklage who clearly to whatever role was offered to an actor with dwarfism in Hollywood before become Famous as Tyrion Lannister on the hit HBO Fantasy show. This massages too be so goddamn slow it actually made me fall Asleep in theater something that i don’t have happened during entire life more at most 3 times.

4 Shopgirl
A romantic comedy that isn’t comedic at all and not very romantic either. It star Jason Schwartzman not One actor in general but in a role so badly written doubt even Colin Farral ,James Franco or Tom Hardy could made it interesting or good. It also has Steve Martin who despite being regarded by many as One of the best comedians working today doesn't meanges to elicit a single laugh ! Also the female lead is played by Claire Danes who stared in one of my all time favorite movies but who i don’t have seen in anything else in this movie she makes as much of an impression a block wood anyway. Also one can’t help but feel sorry for poor Frances Conroy a, a highly talented actress who has to take a such tiny par up in such an awful piece movie trash. This might be the bottom of the berall of romantic comedies.

5 A Safe Place
A movie that’s areoptaily for something made just at the start of the 70s feels like drug trip. Half of the imagery doesn't make sense the plot is both boring and some also hard to follow sense seem to be out of order tahan it’s telling Jack Nicholson openly admit he was only in this because know the director and said man gave him a color tv as a thanks for the role. God only ones what Orson Wells is doing in this peile of nomse buy mostly likely he needed money for one of his number europeans passion projects. This movie because basically impossible to follow about halfway through it.

6 Monster House
A truly hideously animated movie featuring bad animation really ugly designed and uninteresting characters and plot way too disturbing for kids also it has a cast made up of such people as the usually memorable Syeve Bucumi, one canada's Greatest actress Catherine O'Hara and Msaggie Gynhall and they are also underused and hidden behind atrociously ugly motion capture. The jokes are always unfunny and sometimes gross, the kids are dull as dishwater, Kevin James is well Kevin James which is bad enough and the dubbning isn’t even that good. Despite Fredrik Hiller bVoicing Landers who can usually make most dailog funny. The always reliable Andreas Nilsson dubbed Steve Bucumi while Nillson like always good Jan Mybrand would have been a better fig. Also to dub a great actress like with Charlotte Ardai Jennefors who while good at doing voices in various children's cartoons like Rugrats and Jimmy Neutron: certainly isn’t att as accomplished performer as O. Hera. In the original voice is also as usual annoying and unfunny Jason Lee along with Jon Heder who unsperingringly voiced and does motion capture for the worst character in the movie also having Kathleen Turner an actress with very distinct voice play character who barely Speaks seems like a total waste. Considering how bad the script and animation i amHardly at the rather laster Swedish voice they got too dubb this stinking trash Head However somehow Along usual Swedish dubbers like Peter Sjöquist and his daughter Nora the Producers of Swedish dubb meanged too roop Göran Gillinger to waste his talent on this and country singer Monica Silverstrand for some reason. Undoubtedly One of the worst big studio animated movies to be majorly thesrchailu released ever !

7 The Stanford Prison Experiment
A confusing exercise in human cruelty. Based on a true story it features Billy Crudup and a Bunch of actors i can’t tell apart Despite having Ezra Miller who usually meanged to At least be Memorable in Most role This is boring as hell when it isn’t detecting just how cruel or indfreinet humans can be towards one another if don’t enjoy the blatant sadism of the actual you won’t any characters you will remember After watching this. The cast list says Thomas Mann and Tye Sheridan were among the cast but I certainly couldn’t dsrigzisevbthem from all the other bland average looking male Actors in their 20s in this movie. If the sadism and cruerly won’t make you turn of the movie the ugly set Design that looks like all the prions scenes were shot on a public toilet out out to do the trick. A thurley unpleasant and unengaging piece of garbage that puts One in mind of vomit.

8 Ladder 49
The main reason This is higher than 7!is because the Production degiend doesn't look like an unclean public bathroom and it doesn't all of the cast behaving either needlessly cruel or unreasonable indifferent towards each other. This is a movie about a bunch Interchangeable firemen doing firemen stuff. Might it’s just i don’t find firefighting very interesting to watch. But the fact the editor decided to shift Random between present time in fled for no reason and Which make the movie really hard to follow might made it even worse or the fact none of the Actors stick out in anyway. This manage to make the Guy who played the freaking T-1000 unmorabkr and Joaquin Phoenix boring. After doing this movie i actually think Billy Burke could consider the Twilight movie a step up in his Carradine. The present story is very low rescue mission and the Flashbacks just Random scenes of Jack Morrison the lead character doing everyday, not all that interesting stuff while working at a Fire Station full of equally boring nonentities. If Scientology didn't turn you of John Trovallata this will likely message that job.

9 Kidz in Da Hood

While technically Being worse than a at least Ladder 49. This Swedish for some Incredible reason AWARD winning trasan pilce is At least movable bad. Featuring one of Stellan Skarsgård’s countless sons playing a lazy poor and not very likeable man. This movie looks like it was shot in niagboothees picked out for Being especially unappealing. This is a rap musical a very bad rap Musical full of hindus rapping by mostly non song trained Actors many Being kids who can’t be more than 11 and sound like just you imagine a bunch of untrained kids rapping would sound. It also stunt casts well known Swedish rappe Dogge Doggelito who proves to be quite annoying when not voicing an animated cardinal mosquito. Also despite being One or the few pefronial tappers in the movie. I don’t he get to rap in the movie or At least not more than Maybe a westw when not having musical number that piantfull to your ears or showing some poorest ugliest Swedish apartments I have seen. The movie hamers in an annoying unsubtle PRO-imagrscstion message that makes want to vote for Trump or the most racist Swedish party i can find just in cher protest. This movie is like a trash dump in movie and also painful to your ears as well,

10 The Employer

This yet again proves despite being amazing in A Clockwork Orange and also great in Caligula Malcom McDowerl seemed to have spent most of the later part of his career taking every single damn role he was offered regardless of the script quality or the Size of the role. David Dastmalchian from Ant-Man and Blade Runner 2048 also embarrass himself by showing up in this shitty excuse for a Thriller. Even if Dastmalchian was almost unknown at the time of making this it still doesn't exactly look good on your Future resumé. But as a largely unknown actor i fully understands taking every role you get offered. Also in this is Billy Zane. Zane’s career has been om a constant downloads turn since his breakout role in Titanic and with This might it might have reach its absolute bottom. In very saw like set up a Bunch of people you don’t care about get trapped by someone whites identify Most intelligence person could probably Guess right away like with almost every movie on this list. I didn't finish it because how awful it was but the twist is so obvious am pretty sure i husses right in the first ten minutes and I didn't feel the need to suffer through over an hour more of boring or irritating people suffering for the joy of some sadistic ass hole, at lead the ass Hole is kind of charming and the reasons for the tutute are meant to not be reason unlike ”Stanford Prison ” were Barry Allen’s Dad from Justice League just sort watches income youths Being abused by other young men and calling it science you know because science included having what boils down to human dogfights between. Ordinary men in their 20s or early 30s while you just sit on you goddamn ass watching like This is the real housewives of Stanford Prison . Seiruiey this kind of makes the hunger games look like a reasonable idea and Hunger Games was the fictional story ❗️ Anyway The Employer is still boring as hell none of the character Stand out except when they are annoying it's another sadism movie. The best actor is officeren a lot of the time and it all takes place in a boring as hell celler !

söndag 1 december 2019

Film (och tv)Nyheter den första December 2019

Fler skådespelare har sluitit sig till rollistan av BBC Americas nya Fantasyserier The Watch baserat på Skivvärlden böckerna an Terry Pratchett

Anna Chancellor kommer spela Lord Vetinari stansen Ankh-Morpork vällovliga diktator,Ingrid Oliver kommer spela rollen av Doctor Cruces, lönnmördare gulitts leader och James Fleet kommer ta up rollen som ärkekanslern av det Osynliga Universitetet trollkarlarna hemvist.

Serien filmar i Syd Afrika just nu.

Zoë Kravitz känd för sin roll i Mad Max: Fury Road har nu fått rollen som den brända superskurken Catwoman i den nya Batman filmen regisserad av Matt Reeves.

En annan ut av filmens skurkar The Riddler kommer spelas av Paul Dano frö den Oscarsvinnande filmen There Will Be Blood.

Batmans lojal butler Alfred kommer spela Sagan om Ringen stjärnan Andy Serkis som också hade en roll Marvel filmen Black Panther och Batmans kollega kommissarie Gordon kommer i denna film spelas av Jeffrey Wright från Hunger Games filmerna och HBO serien Westworld.

Omtalade brittiska skådespelare Jason Isaacs( Harry Potter Filmerna) kommer göra röstbrevlåda skurne Dick Dastardly i den nya Datoranimerade Scooby Doo filmen och Mark Wahlberg kommer göra rösten till Superhjälten Blu Falcon. Övriga röster inculderae Mamma Mia skrönan Amanda Syfried dom Daphne och Kiersey Clemons( Bad Neighbors 2 och serien Transparent) som Dee Dee Sykes en av ” the Teen Angels”

Kiersey Clemons spelar också marts i den nya spelfilms versionen av Lady och Lufsen.

En film som bland sina röster till dom olika hundraser har Tessa Thompson från Thor:Ragnarök, Sam Elliott känd från klut klassikern The Big Lebowski som Trofast, Benedict Wong från Doctor Strange filmen som Bulldoggen och Clary Brown från Nyckeln till Frihet som Isaac.

Dom två elaka katten(som bytt namn till Devon och Rex i den s film) röster komme göras av musikern sångaren , låtskrivaren och skin producten Roman GianArthur och hans bror Nate Wonder som också är musiker och medlem av the Wondaland Arts Collective.

Den nya version av Lady. och Lufsen kommer bara vara tillgänglig på Disneys nya Streamingtjänst Disney Plus.

Oscarsvinnare Jamie Foxx och Cosby stjärnan Phylicia Rashad är bland rösterna i den nya Pixar Filmen Soul som komme släppas 28 Augusti i Sverige.

Nästa filmen från Walt Disney animation studios efter Frost 2 är det asiatiska Fantasy äventyret Raya and the Last Dragon enligt moviezine.se släppas filmen den tredje januari 2021 i Sverige.

Paramount Pictures animations departement kommer i sommaren av 2022 släppa Jersey Crabs en animerad musikal strakt inspirerad av 80-Talsklassikern m Grease fast med krabbor manuset komme skrivits av Lorene Scafaria som just nu prisas för sitt manus för dem bioaktuella filmen Hustlers.

Den tredje filmen spionfilmer serien Kingsman en precis som utspelar sig under första världskriget har bytt releasedatum istället för att komma ut i Februari nästa år kommer den ut i september istället.

En spelfilmen om dom ikoniska tecknade figurerna Tom och Jerry komme komma ut December

nästa år den kommer regisseras av Tim Story som gjord Fantastic finrums med Jessica Alba och Kevin Hart komedin Ride Along och dess uppföljare Ride Along 2.

Tom & Jerry kommer inte tala. Men en del människa karaktär kommer också var med i filmen som Chloë Grace Moretz isjärnan av 2010 filmen Kick Add, , Michael Peña från den Oscarvinnarde filmen Crash och Sci Fi hit filmen The Martian med Matt Damon och Rob Delaney en komiker som tidigare hade en biroll i Deadpool 2.

Kelly Marie Tran känd från filmens Star Wars: The Last Jedi har ersatt Kat Dennings stjärnan av 2 Broke Girls som röst till Dawn Betterman i Dreamworks animerade Croodarna 2 en uppföljare till deras grottman komedi från 2013

En trailer för det påkostade Fantasy äventyrets filmen Dolittle med Robert Downey. Jr i Huvudrollen har släppts. Filmen är ett Fantasy spektakel där också Antonio Banderas har en roll och Tom Holland berömd för att spela Spiderman och Oscarsvinnaren Octavia Spencer har också röst rollen filmen tillsammans med andra stora Hollywood kändisar filmen har premiär i slutet av Januari i Sverige och visas även dubbas till svenska.

Den nya animerade komedin Spies in Disguise från Blue Sky Studios bolag känt för Ice Ages filmerna har lagt till två röster till i sin rollista trefaldigt Grammy vinnare sångerska Reba McEntire och Rachel Brosnahan stjärnan av Netflix serien The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Spies in Disguise kommer på Bio i Sverige den sista januari.

Disney hållet på att diskuterat med Robert Zemeckis regissör av Forrest Gump och Tillbaka till Framför om att göra en spelfilm sversom av deras animerad film Pinocchio.

Det var nyhterna inom film och lite britisk tv för idag.