måndag 23 december 2019

Star Wars:The Ride of The Skywalker review

I saw yesterday Star Wars:The Ride of The Skywalker and overall it was good.

Daisy Ridley is still great and I continue to LOVE the character of Rey.

It’s fun to see Ian McDiarmid play Palpatine One last time and Richard E. Grant makes for a great substitute for the late Peter Cushing.

Grant clearly play basically Grand Moff Tarkin but with a different name.

Adam Driver is survicrable but is very much overShadowed by how clearly Oscar Issac who plays is a much better actor than him.

Keri Russell is great. But She gets so lite to do She feels kind of wated in the movie.

Don’t know why Lando Calrissian needes to be in the movie feels like they just got Billy Dee Williams beacuse Han Solo and Like Skywalker are Both dead. Altough That doesn't stop Both from a having a major secen each in the movie and Carrie Fisher is dead for real so they can’t use Leila as much as the proabbly wanted too.

I still feels strange to have Lupita Nyong'o voice( and also Motion Capture) a role that sounds nothing like her abd kind feels like the Black serotype of mysterious old ( I heavily apologize for this word) nigro lady.

But most Actors are good. With cearly stand outs Being Daisy Ridley Oscar Isaac and Ian McDiarmid.

Also, I still feel like the role of Kylo Ren was written for Ezra Miller but he Said no for some reason and they cast Adam Driver Instead.

Also there is a rather big problem with Plot Which that Spoiler Alert
The Emperor seems to Random Changes his plan throughout the movie he wants to kill Rey than i want to transfer his essence into her body and finally decide to just absorb the Powers of Rey and Kylo. It kind of feels like the Emperor is making the plan up as he goes Along Which very ironic since Palpatine also say in the movie itself he has PLANNED EVERYTHING all the way back fromThe Phantom Menace. That’s certainly a really long term amd elborotate plan. Strange that After planning every for like what must close to 80s he decide To make the end up in spot and change his goal whenever he feels like End of Spoilers.

But overall I liked the movie and recommend it !

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker gets the rating 8 out of 10 from me.