lördag 14 december 2019

Fan Casting Denis Villeneuve's upcoming two-part move adaptation of Dune by Frank Herbert

Since a new movie adaptation in two parts of the groundbreaking science fiction novel Dune is coming( with Part 1 coming out next year) and some roles aren't cast yet i took the liberty of fan casting those roles myself.

Anthony Hopkins as the Shaddam IV, the Padishah Emperor.

 The sumpre ruler of the whole of the Known Universe (the Imperium).


 Leonardo DiCaprio as Feyd-Rautha. The nephew and heir-presumptive of the Baron Harkonnen.


Jason Isaacs as Count Hasimir Fenring.
A genetic eunuch and the Emperor's closest friend and advisor.

Gary Oldman as Thufir HawatHe is the Master of Assassins to House Atreides in the book and a very close advisor to Duke Leto,

Samuel L. Jackson as Liet-Kynes.
Kynes is the Imperial Planetologist on the planet Arrakis( also known as Dune)

Saoirse Ronan as Princess IrulanIrulan is Shaddam's eldest daughter and heir.

Vanessa Redgrave as the Shadout Mapes.

The head housekeeper of imperial residence on the planet Arrakis also knowen as Dune.

Julianne Moore as Lady Margot Fenring.

The Bene Gesserit (an order of future sort of nuns with genetic memory an other psychic powers) Wife of Count Fenring,